Group of happy seniors enjoying in embrace during sunset.

Hearing loss is a common condition that can be mitigated easily with the use of hearing aids and assistive listening devices. However, hearing loss frequently goes undiagnosed and untreated. For people who suffered from hearing loss, this can bring about feelings of social-isolation and depression.

It can also lead to a breakdown in personal and professional relationships, which itself contributes to more feelings of depression and isolation. This is a vicious cycle that can be avoided, and treating your hearing loss is the solution to ending that downward spiral.

Hearing loss and its connection to depression

We’ve known that hearing loss can cause feelings of separation and depression for a long time now. Adults older than 50 with neglected hearing loss frequently describe feelings of depression and anxiety, according to one study. They also reported being less socially involved. A lot of them felt like people were getting mad at them and they didn’t know why. However, people who got hearing aids reported improvements in their relationships, and the people around them – family, colleagues, and friends – also said they saw improvements.

Another study found that people between ages 18 and 70, reported an increased sense of depression if they had hearing loss of more than 25 dB. Individuals over the age of 70 with self-reported hearing loss did not show a major difference in depression rates compared to individuals without hearing loss. But there are still a lot of people who need assistance and aren’t getting it.

Lack of awareness or unwillingness to wear hearing aids impacts mental health

With reported results like these, it seems like a no-brainer that you would want to get your hearing loss treated. Maybe you just don’t think your hearing is that bad. You think that people are mumbling.

Another issue could be that you think treating your hearing loss is too costly or time consuming.

It’s vital that anybody who has experienced symptoms of anxiety and depression, or the sense that they are being left out of interactions because people seem to be talking really quietly or mumbling a lot, get their hearing checked. If there is hearing loss, we can talk over your options. It could help you feel a lot better.

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