Precious Sights & Sounds Matter.

Hearing and visual impairments are common in older adults, as an estimated 33% of individuals age 70 years and older are affected by hearing loss and 18% by vision impairment.

Is it safe to drive without clear vision?
Can you properly manage activities of daily living without auditory cues?

With aging’s influence on vision and hearing, it is estimated that by 2030, as many as 14 million older U.S. adults will develop Dual Sensory Loss (DSL). Think about it, when two of our bodies five senses are not functionally optimal, activities of daily living may be difficult. For far too many, DSL reduces quality of life in terms of distressing physical, emotional and social challenges.

We see most people get in the healthy habit of taking care of their vision because that is what they did growing up or reading smaller text becomes consistently frustrating. By comparison, far too few proactively get sound advice on integral hearing care. Just as 20/20 vision is a worthy focus on, so is personalized fitting of advanced hearing aids which deliver daily soundtracks that are music to our ears.

By seeing and hearing better, especially with social distancing and facial masking, you will be dually empowered to more safely and happily experience an improved quality of life.

Did you know reputable research indicates…
identifying and targeting dual sensory impairment in older adults could be a potentially useful strategy for preventing a decline in their life expectancy and it is important that professionals working in both vision and hearing services are able to recognize this condition to tailor rehabilitation solutions accordingly?

Hear Better, See Better

As you see your Ophthalmologist or Optometrist for annual diagnostic screenings, please know it is essential that you and your loved ones get professional hearing evaluations at least once a year. At home, work and play, seeing and hearing your best just makes sense.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
Why wait? You don't have to live with hearing loss. Call or Text Us